Urnex Starter Kit I Professional espresso cleaning
Urnex Starter Kit I Professional espresso cleaning
Bessunger Str. 53 / 64285 Darmstadt
Bessunger Str. 53
64285 Darmstadt
Urnex Starter Kit I Professional espresso cleaning
4-piece set for complete cleaning of your espresso equipment:
Cafiza 2 I 125g
The cleaner for espresso machines from the specialist in the USA. Not only perfect for espresso machines, but also for filter machines or coffee makers like the Chemx - simply anywhere where coffee oils accumulate. Protects the coffee machine, increases its lifespan and improves the taste.
Rinza I 8*10g
Cleaning tablets for milk frothing systems
GrindZ I 105 g
THE coffee grinder cleaner for every coffee grinder. Made from tasteless, food-safe and gluten-free ingredients. Cleans coffee and espresso grinders thoroughly and without leaving any residue. Completely eliminates coffee oils and deposits for improved coffee taste. Super easy to use: Simply grind between 35g and 80g (depending on the size of the mill), then grind twice with coffee to get the residue out of the mill, and you're done. Regular use significantly extends the life of the mill.
For external cleaning of the brewing group